About Trish Regan

Trish, Visionary Intuitive, along with her husband, Doug Hackett, experienced a dramatic spiritual calling in 1994 to leave their professional careers behind, sell everything and move to the Big Island of Hawaii to work with the wild dolphins. At that time they co-founded Dolphin\Spirit of Hawaii and have been offering spritually expansive dolphin and whale swim retreats in Hawaii and the Kingdom of Tonga ever since. She is author of the book series Essential Joy: Finding It, Keeping It, Sharing It. Her passion is to inspire and empower people to live from the Core of Being from which their highest potential, lasting joy and spiritual illumination expands.

Trish has been spiritually aware for all her life and has been on a dedicated path of Light and inner spiritual evolution for over forty years. For seven years Trish and Doug worked very closely with renowned dolphin researcher and author, Joan Ocean. Trish brings to her work a deep connection with the dolphins, whales, angels, ascended masters and many other Beings of Light.

Among her gifts she loves to share are Into the Light Soul Readings and Core Light Activations, profound sessions that clear, heal and empower.

Trish and Doug have traveled internationally, bringing workshops such as Essential Joy, Sacred Partnership, Dolphin Essence Experience, Empowering Magnificence and Be the Vision to many seekers of Light.

From Trish, "This is a very special retreat inspired by the dolphins and whales. Since my first two retreats in Mt. Shasta were so profound for participants, i am now excited to facilitate them in the sacred land of Hawaii. My wonderful husband, Doug, will be holding space for us in this expansion. Hope you can join me on this grand adventure!"

Trish Regan's Blog

Trish Regan
Cell 808-987-5694